• Expert Tips

Traffic advertising puts
your message
in the best position

  • Expert Tips

“A good loca­tion is one of the strongest argu­ments for a prop­er­ty. But only trans­port adver­tis­ing can make it tangi­ble — with an ad on the right bus, for exam­ple: “I’ll drive you to your new home!” — supple­ment­ed by an image, a QR code and an invi­ta­tion to visit the property’s land­ing page. Such adver­tis­ing conveys two impor­tant messages at once: the offer itself — and the conve­nient trans­port connec­tions. As with the construc­tion site cameras or the tips for sell­ing a prop­er­ty, this Valdivia expert tip once again presents adver­tis­ing ideas that have an immense impact with little effort and little strain on the market­ing budget, yet are rarely used.

Messages in motion: Traf­fic adver­tis­ing moves

First of all, traf­fic adver­tis­ing offers the great advan­tage that it is well received by people. A study by the outdoor adver­tis­ing trade asso­ci­a­tion1 provides convinc­ing figures on this. Adver­tis­ing on or in buses, trains and taxis

  • is regu­lar­ly read by 82% of passen­gers, 72% of them while waiting,
  • was perceived as infor­ma­tive by 45%,
  • was perceived as creative by 43% and there­fore easy to remember,

and arous­es the inter­est of 21% or encour­ages them to buy. Their versa­tile adver­tis­ing formats, rang­ing from gener­ous side stick­ers to stop bar flyers (also known as “swing cards”), call for creative, coor­di­nat­ed commu­ni­ca­tion that no other medi­um can offer. If the bus or train system in ques­tion is already equipped with indoor screens, it is even possi­ble to announce the approach to the prop­er­ty, such as “Just one more stop to your new home!” — “This could be your home in the future!” etc.

Reach the right target groups “on line”

Many public trans­port routes are often used by easi­ly iden­ti­fi­able, homo­ge­neous target groups. Trans­port adver­tis­ing can there­fore be target­ed not only at the loca­tion of your prop­er­ty, but also at comple­men­tary needs. For exam­ple, a refer­ence to “more space and qual­i­ty of life” for a loca­tion would certain­ly go down well on regu­lar­ly over­crowd­ed lines. On region­al lines with longer jour­ney times, a “new work­place close to home” will be of inter­est. And for stressed commuters, “new — conve­nient shop­ping right here on the line” will certain­ly sound appealing.

Achieve more impact with creative interaction

The sky’s the limit when it comes to creative and eye-catch­ing trans­port adver­tis­ing. Large buses and trains in partic­u­lar are irre­sistible eye-catch­ers. You can make an even bigger impact by not only repeat­ing your messages in the inte­ri­or, but also comple­ment­ing them with addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion — for exam­ple on posters, screens or bus stop flyers. And these are by no means the only forms of adver­tis­ing on the road:

  • Tick­et machines can supple­ment the message on and in the vehi­cles with infor­ma­tion on their touchscreen.
  • Adver­tis­ing on and in taxis is ideal for reach­ing busi­ness customers.
  • Many bike hire systems offer adver­tis­ing space on bikes and stands.
  • Anoth­er touch­point for your adver­tis­ing are display adverts on the website and in the app of your public trans­port partner.

All in all, mobile traf­fic adver­tis­ing for offers with a fixed loca­tion — real estate — is an ideal instru­ment for live­ly, appeal­ing and, with a little courage, surpris­ing communication.

1 Trend analy­sis trans­port media 2019 — Percep­tion of adver­tis­ing in public trans­port: 2019, outmaxx media on behalf of the Fachver­band Aussen­wer­bung e. V.


(Image sources: Freepik, Valdivia Consult­ing GmbH)