• Future

Just a few euros will help:
Hunger in Guatemala

  • Future

Some­times it seems to be too much. Some­times you don’t want to hear or read any more about all the misery in the world — about wars, refugees and hunger. But we at Valdivia do not turn away. Yes, there is very little we can do. But what little we can do is glad­ly done, and it brings joy! We have expe­ri­enced this time and again with the young and old people of our spon­sor­ship project Aldea Infan­til in Guatemala. So we want to help now too and are forward­ing a call for help from the organ­i­sa­tion to you, because: Help is need­ed — and costs little!

Drought and flood­ing — the situation

Current­ly, an extreme drought and subse­quent flood­ing have complete­ly destroyed the harvest in large parts of Guatemala. Hunger is now omnipresent. It affects “our” Aldea Infan­til, and it affects the fami­lies in the surround­ing area.

“We have lost almost our entire harvest. We must not lose our chil­dren!” With these urgent words, Wern­er Otoniel Monzón, Direc­tor of the children’s village “Aldea Infan­til”, asks for help. “In my 30 years here at the children’s village, I have never expe­ri­enced a disas­ter of this magni­tude. We used to be almost self-suffi­cient, but drought and floods have destroyed every­thing. The situ­a­tion is devastating.”

People are now also stand­ing in front of empty pots in the soup kitchens that the project used to provide the poor­est of the poor in the outposts La Esper­an­za and Monrovia with food. This is due to the El Niño weath­er phenom­e­non. While small­er chil­dren in partic­u­lar were already chron­i­cal­ly malnour­ished, El Niño has now made the situ­a­tion life-threatening.

Dona­tions that arrive and save lives

That is why we are asking you today to join us in not leav­ing the chil­dren and fami­lies in Guatemala to fend for them­selves. Even small sums are enough to fight hunger and give the local people a future:

  • 100 euros will feed a children’s village child for a month.
  • The Children’s Future Foun­da­tion needs 300 euros per day to alle­vi­ate the cruellest hunger for the 400 or so chil­dren in the field centres.

Every euro counts: Join in!


Children’s Future Foundation

Rabenaus­traße 1a, D‑63584 Gründau

Vera Berd­ing

Head of Market­ing and Public Relations

Phone: +49 60 51 48 18 14

Fax: +49 60 51 48 18 10

E‑mail: vera.berding@kinderzukunft.de

Web: www.kinderzukunft.de

Dona­tion account: Commerzbank Hanau

IBAN: DE79 5064 0015 0222 2222 00



Please state “Valdivia Future — Children’s Village Guatemala” as payment rference.

(Image source: Stiftung Kinderzukunft)