• Future

Donation for Kinderzukunft:
A heart for the forgotten Children of Salcajá

  • Future

Good news are rather rare in this day and age — espe­cial­ly when it comes to regions like Guatemala that are not as econom­i­cal­ly and polit­i­cal­ly stable as our coun­try: we report­ed on this recent­ly. We are there­fore all the happi­er to learn that “our” Aldea Infan­til has now received a gener­ous dona­tion: 50,000 euros “for the forgot­ten chil­dren of Salca­já”, as the news put it.

A start into the future

So what does a dona­tion like this mean? Valdivia Manag­ing Direc­tor Daniel Bauer knows the situ­a­tion in Guatemala from his own expe­ri­ence: “The money is enough to fully finance two of the fami­ly homes at Aldea Infan­til for a year. This includes the costs for round-the-clock care, for heal­ing mental and phys­i­cal wounds and for running the hous­es. But we want more. For a real future in their lives, the chil­dren in the homes need an educa­tion that will sustain them forev­er. The children’s village has a school and train­ing centres for vari­ous profes­sions. We want to focus on this and supple­ment the basic fund­ing in a mean­ing­ful way.”

1 year of school for 40 euros

40 euros — for so little money, a child receives every­thing they need to learn for their future. The mate­r­i­al for the new school subject English will cost 124 euros per house, and 320 euros for all other school mate­ri­als. 4,700 euros are need­ed for mate­ri­als and protec­tive cloth­ing to train the adoles­cents as carpen­ters, tailors, car mechan­ics or electricians

We there­fore invite you to give the chil­dren the gift of educa­tion and sustain­able prospects for the future. And from our own expe­ri­ence, we can only agree with what other support­ers of the foun­da­tion keep saying: “This project makes me very happy! You will be too.”


Stiftung Kinderzukun­ft (Children’s Future Foundation)

Rabenaus­traße 1a, D‑63584 Gründau

Hans-Georg Bayer

Exec­u­tive Board

Phone: +49 60 51 48 18 14

Fax: +49 60 51 48 18 10

E‑mail: hans-georg.bayer@kinderzukunft.de

Web: www.kinderzukunft.de

Dona­tion account: Commerzbank Hanau

IBAN: DE79 5064 0015 0222 2222 00


Please state “Valdivia Future — Children’s Village Guatemala” as payment reference.

(Image source: Stiftung Kinderzukunft)