• Future

Christmas Present Project 2022:
Making Children Happy

  • Future

Spread­ing Joy for the Chil­dren: We are doing it. How about You?

Children’s faces, beam­ing with joy are a rare sight in some parts of East­ern Europe, even at Christ­mas. That is why, year after year, our part­ners at Kinderzukun­ft (Children’s Future Foun­da­tion) kick off the Christ­mas Parcel campaign. This year, we are going to support it with all our might, i.e. with our own contri­bu­tions — and by invit­ing you to join in as well!

The Christ­mas Parcel Campaign: What is it all about?

Most­ly in the Ukraine, but also in Roma­nia as well as Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina, many fami­lies are strug­gling to make ends meet. Receiv­ing Christ­mas presents is absolute­ly excep­tion­al for the chil­dren there. That is why the foun­da­tion has been giving away Christ­mas parcels to chil­dren in disad­van­taged neigh­bour­hoods, orphan­ages, hospi­tals, schools, nurs­eries, and homes for the disabled for many years. Parcels can be taken to desig­nat­ed collec­tion points up until Friday, 25 Novem­ber. After that, the foun­da­tion will truck them to Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina, Roma­nia, and as far as possi­ble into the Ukraine.

Join­ing the Cause: Many can Effect so Much!

Thou­sands are already support­ing the campaign – indi­vid­u­als and fami­lies as well as nurs­eries, school class­es, commu­ni­tites, clubs and soci­eties, and enter­pris­es. Are you join­ing in? There are differ­ent options:

  • Pack one or more parcels – you may wish to include sweets and cook­ies, toys, clothes, sani­tary prod­ucts, mate­ri­als for writ­ing, draw­ing, paint­ing and hand­i­crafts for chil­dren and youths, prefer­ably gift-wrapped in pret­ty Christ­mas paper. For better handling, the foun­da­tion kind­ly requests you tie a ribbon around each parcel.
  • Anoth­er way to support this campaign is through promo­tion. You can do this, too: Call on your compa­ny or your friends and fami­ly to join in, or spread the word on Face­book, LinkedIn, or Instagram.
  • For pick­ing up the parcels from the desig­nat­ed collec­tion points, the foun­da­tion is look­ing for drivers (and co-drivers!) to help out in the peri­od of 25 Novem­ber through 13 Decem­ber 2022.

For regis­tra­tion, please use the form right here provid­ed by Kinderzukunft:

This web page provides a compre­hen­sive list of desig­nat­ed collec­tion points for your parcels as well as some promo­tion mate­ri­als and further information.

Good for your Image and Your Popu­lar­i­ty: Regis­ter as a Collec­tion Point

Enter­pris­es, author­i­ties and social insti­tu­tions can regis­ter as a collec­tion point for the coming year. From Octo­ber, they will raise aware­ness for the campaign with posters, leaflets, social media posts and the press and will thus strength­en their posi­tive social image.

It’s Never too Late to Help Children 

You are unde­cid­ed or too busy at this point in time? Of course, you can always support the sophis­ti­cat­ed logis­tics we set up for the Christ­mas Parcel Campaign with dona­tions, too:


Children’s Future Foun­da­tion ”Stiftung Kinderzukunft”

Please make dona­tions payable to our account with Commerzbank Hanau
IBAN: DE79 5064 0015 0222 2222 00
Refer­ence:Valdivia Future – Christ­mas Parcel Campaign“.



Rabenaus­traße 1a, D‑63584 Grün­dau, Germany
Hans-Georg Bayer
Geschäfts­führen­der Vorstand
Manag­ing Director
Fon: +49 60 51 48 18 14
Fax: +49 60 51 48 18 10
Email: hans-georg.bayer@kinderzukunft.de
Inter­net: www.kinderzukunft.de