• Future

Christmas Parcel Campaign
of Stiftung Kinderzukunft: “You are not alone!”

Setting an example at Christmas

  • Future

“Every parcel that falls into the hands of a child is a small mira­cle and sends a message: You are not alone,” says Heinz-Wern­er Binzel, Chair­man of the Board of the Children’s Future Foun­da­tion, explain­ing the deep­er mean­ing of the Christ­mas Parcel Campaign. In Valdivia, we are taking part for the third time — and expe­ri­enc­ing the joyful antic­i­pa­tion of Christ­mas, which is just as wonder­ful for the givers as it is for the recipients.

The Children’s Future Foun­da­tion Christ­mas Parcel Campaign

The Children’s Future Foun­da­tion is organ­is­ing its popu­lar Christ­mas Parcel Appeal for the 29th time this year. Needy girls and boys in Roma­nia, Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina and — if possi­ble — Ukraine should feel that the world has not forgot­ten them.

Today, the campaign is a shin­ing beacon of the Foundation’s work, bring­ing light and warmth to thou­sands of chil­dren every year. Roma­nia and Bosnia-Herze­gov­ina are among the poor­est coun­tries in Europe. Chil­dren often suffer the most from the conse­quences of high unem­ploy­ment, inad­e­quate social systems and a lack of infra­struc­ture — all the more so if they grow up in orphan­ages or insti­tu­tions for the disabled.

“Christ­mas presents mean so much more to these chil­dren. They are often the only gifts they receive. They are moments of joy and light-heart­ed­ness — a sign of hope that they will not be forgot­ten,” says Heinz-Wern­er Binzel. “In Ukraine, the econom­ic chal­lenges are compound­ed by the war, which has destroyed the lives of many fami­lies. It is a sign of soli­dar­i­ty for us to help as much as we can. Our parcels reach chil­dren who are partic­u­lar­ly vulnerable.

Many ways to participate

Pack­ages will be collect­ed from 25 Octo­ber to 25 Novem­ber 2024. All infor­ma­tion on the collec­tion can be found on the campaign website of the Children’s Future Foun­da­tion. You can choose how you want to participate:

- Pack­ages: The campaign flyer (PDF) explains what you can do to make the chil­dren happy and what you should consid­er when packing.

- The equiv­a­lent of 4 euros per parcel is need­ed to cover the exten­sive logis­tics of the campaign. So every dona­tion is welcome!

- As a compa­ny or indi­vid­ual, you can set up a collec­tion point if you have a suit­able, easi­ly acces­si­ble room.

- Helpers want­ed: Prac­ti­cal help with load­ing and unload­ing is welcome. You can also take part in the nation­wide collec­tions as a driver or passenger.


This is how Christ­mas (real­ly) feels

Christ­mas is a cele­bra­tion for chil­dren. Join us and expe­ri­ence the joy of giving Christ­mas its true mean­ing — or in the words of Heinz-Wern­er Binzel: “It’s a wonder­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to volun­teer and expe­ri­ence first-hand how many small contri­bu­tions can make a big difference.

You can also contact the Foun­da­tion by email at Ehrenamt.Weihnachten@Kinderzukunft.de or by phone on 06051 / 48 18 19 to find out how you can get involved.

Or simply share a Foun­da­tion post on Insta­gram, Face­book or LinkedIn! This alone will help raise aware­ness of the campaign and inspire even more people.


Kinderzukun­ft — Children’s Future Foundation

Rabenaus­traße 1a, D‑63584 Gründau

Vera Berd­ing

Head of Market­ing and Public Relations

Phone: +49 60 51 48 18 14

Fax: +49 60 51 48 18 10

E‑mail: vera.berding@kinderzukunft.de

Web: www.kinderzukunft.de 


Dona­tion account: Commerzbank Hanau

IBAN: DE79 5064 0015 0222 2222 00



Please state “Valdivia Impact — Christ­mas parcels” as payment reference.

(Image source: Stiftung Kinderzukunft)