Season’s Greetings
from Valdivia!
We wish you a lovely Christmas
Written by Anthony Baumruk, Partner.
Real estate, investments, ideas: Last week, the 33rd annual kick-off for decision-makers in the real estate industry, the “Quo Vadis”, took place in Berlin.
The motto this year was: “Investing out of the crisis!” In my view, this is an essential event that brings together many decision-makers and provides fact-based food for thought for the coming months.
The central topic in 2023 will certainly be the economic development in Germany and the “dislocation” on the markets. Real estate prices will fall, interest rates will continue to rise and subsidy programmes of the past years have not shown the desired results. For many companies, including the construction industry, these changes reflect enormous challenges. At the same time, there is still an enormous shortage of skilled personnel. Nevertheless, there was an overall positive outlook in many of the conversations I had. Companies definitely see a great opportunity for development in the current year based on the changed market environment. More than ever, it is up to the decision-makers in management positions to recognise these opportunities. There were many different points of view on this — in the course of the year we will see who is right.
Many thanks to the top-class contributions on the three days of the event. A special thank you goes to Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Lars P. Feld for his astute and humorous assessment of the markets and the realistic reflection of the status quo of the German administration. A “cross-asset” investor management will occupy many asset managers in the coming years and here Henning Koch’s (Chairman / CEO at Commerz Real AG) commentary was both very interesting and insightful.
In short, a truly great event and it was a pleasure to exchange ideas with the other participants in person, to see new and familiar faces. My heartfelt thank, also, to the organisers of Heuer Dialog for hosting the event and to Gitta Rometsch, Franziska Heuer (both Heuer Dialog) and Timo Tschammler (MOUNT Real Estate Capital Partner) for the entertaining presentation and moderation throughout the three days, See you again next year at Quo Vadis!
(Image — copyright of Heuer Dialog)