• Special

Expo Real 2023 —
Back from Munich —
The Valdivia Review

  • Special

Expo Real in Munich as the largest indus­try meet­ing is every year again a high­light and a very good oppor­tu­ni­ty to pick up impuls­es and moods in the market as well as to give input, to be creative and to active­ly shape the future!

In the best weath­er with lots of sunshine, many discus­sions took place in the open air this year. A remark­able inter­est from over­seas is to be noted from our point of view as well as gener­al­ly a very well attend­ed fair.

We already set the sails for the fair the day before the fair with our Board Room Lunch. This year we had the plea­sure of kick­ing off the event in the Käfer Feinkost Wiesn marquee and welcomed guests from Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Ghana and Cana­da, who came togeth­er for a very relaxed, open and construc­tive exchange of ideas and to make new contacts. During the exhi­bi­tion days, our team was in close person­al contact with new as well as already known deci­sion makers of the indus­try at near­ly 100 customer appointments.


What are Valdivia’s insights from this year’s edition of the tradi­tion­al event?

In a nutshell: Navi­gat­ing to 2025

- Market phase remains turbu­lent- market partic­i­pants real­is­tic, on balance opti­mistic and char­ac­terised by great accep­tance of market environment
— Market envi­ron­ment changes in small­er cycles
— Inter­est rate devel­op­ment, financ­ing and valu­a­tion; compe­ti­tion for real estate invest­ment products
— Focus on polit­i­cal frame­work and guide­lines as well as current situ­a­tion in crisis areas
— Econom­ic stabil­i­ty as a goal and corner­stone for sustain­able invest­ment decisions;
— All market partic­i­pants in the real estate segment are current­ly close­ly moni­tor­ing the impact and trends in the real estate indus­try with regard to arti­fi­cial intelligence.

On our own behalf, here is our person­al conclu­sion: We at Valdivia Consult­ing GmbH are extreme­ly pleased about the posi­tive feed­back on our special­ized services as exec­u­tive search consul­tants and about the appre­ci­a­tion of our very person­al approach.

At the same time, we would like to thank Messe München once again today for orga­niz­ing this impor­tant and truly inspir­ing meet­ing of the real estate indus­try. We very much appre­ci­ate the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be part of this pres­ti­gious event and to have had the chance to partic­i­pate in so many insight­ful discus­sions and to exchange ideas with our busi­ness part­ners, friends and new acquain­tances on site.

We look forward to seeing you all again in 2024!

(Image source: Messe München/Valdivia)