• Special

MIPIM 2024 –
Impressions & Inspiration:
VALDIVIA back from Cannes

  • Special

MIPIM is always THE inter­na­tion­al forum and place to be when it comes to exchang­ing ideas with a view of shap­ing the future of Real Estate!

What are VALDIVIA’s major take­aways from MIPIM 2024?

First of all: A down-to-earth posi­tive atmos­phere — in a setting of wonder­ful weath­er — was clear­ly tangi­ble. It must be said that the indus­try seems to have accept­ed the “new normal” and start­ed to adapt accord­ing­ly. Senior exec­u­tives and deci­sion-makers took the time to attend which under­lines the impor­tance of the event.

Real Estate and Human Resources

We regard­ed the conver­sa­tions led as honest, full of real mean­ing and content and as clear­ly target-orient­ed. With­in the area of Human Resources, people and indi­vid­u­als were discussed in detail and a lot of good start­ing points were iden­ti­fied that now need to be devel­oped further. A lot of our clients have recent­ly reviewed their set up and will now be fill­ing manage­ment posi­tions with new exec­u­tives on a selec­tive basis, but also in line with the future direc­tion of the company.



Real Estate busi­ness in a nutshell: Climate, Creativ­i­ty and Contin­ued Challenges

There is an ongo­ing tenden­cy towards consol­i­da­tion and stabil­i­sa­tion as these are essen­tial at this stage. The real estate indus­try is agile and flex­i­ble and proves to have a solu­tion-orient­ed approach as well as a wealth of new ideas, such as new prod­ucts, new busi­ness models and last but not least new markets or services. It needs to be said that the turbu­lent market phase (glob­al polit­i­cal crises, infla­tion, inter­est rate situ­a­tion, financ­ing issues) with ongo­ing cautious­ness from investors and debt as the invest­ment topic is still ongo­ing. Focus at the fair was also on glob­al urban­i­sa­tion and at the aim of the indus­try to achieve its “Goal t ozero”: All market partic­i­pants in the real estate segment are respon­si­ble for trans­form­ing the sector into a climate-neutral real estate indus­try – now more than ever. Econom­ic stabil­i­ty remains a major goal and corner­stone for sustain­able invest­ment deci­sions with a view to the future.

We at Valdivia would like to thank you cordial­ly at MIPIM World for organ­is­ing this spec­tac­u­lar and truly inspir­ing new edition of this vital real estate indus­try meet­ing. We real­ly appre­ci­ate having been part of this tradi­tion­al event and for having had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to have had so many new and insight­ful discus­sions and exchange views with our busi­ness part­ners, friends and new acquain­tances alike.

We look forward to seeing you all in Cannes in March 2025!

(Image sources: Valdivia Consult­ing GmbH, RX France)