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New Crew Member:
Welcome, Saad Malik!

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Saad Malik, Prin­ci­pal, joined the team of Valdivia on 1 Octo­ber 2022.

Prior to start­ing his posi­tion at Valdivia, Mr. Malik gained exten­sive and in-depth expe­ri­ence in an exec­u­tive search boutique as well as in tradi­tion­al exec­u­tive search. He specialised early on in fill­ing exec­u­tive posi­tions in the legal sector and acted as a consul­tant for clients across Germany in this high­ly complex and demand­ing segment.

Mr Malik began his consult­ing career in an exec­u­tive search compa­ny in Frank­furt am Main, where he learned his trade. He then expand­ed his network and exper­tise and most recent­ly estab­lished the new Legal & Compli­ance divi­sion  on behalf of his previ­ous employ­er. In this func­tion, Mr Malik posi­tioned himself in the market as a compe­tent part­ner for fill­ing demand­ing in-house posi­tions with a focus on the areas of construc­tion & real estate law as well as on legal areas rele­vant to bank­ing and capi­tal markets law, commer­cial and corpo­rate law.

With his empa­thy and profound under­stand­ing of his clients and the profile they are look­ing for, Mr. Malik culti­vates long-term, resilient and trust­ing rela­tion­ships with clients and candi­dates alike in a profes­sion­al and approach­able, pleas­ant manner.