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Executive Search with Depth — Part I

  • Internal

How does Valdivia support compa­nies and candi­dates on the route to their common goal? Our new series “Valdivia Inter­nal“serves to provide you with a look behind the scenes of Exec­u­tive Search at the high­est level.

Our Response to Change in Exec­u­tive Search

New require­ment profiles, new and digi­tal­ly support­ed proce­dures, and a stronger focus on sustain­abil­i­ty — a para­digm shift is all around and it includes Exec­u­tive Search. A recent study (¹) published by the Inter­na­tion­al Exec­u­tive Search Feder­a­tion IESF only confirms this. In the midst of this new and as yet rather unex­plored world, we at Valdivia have decid­ed to favour a system­at­ic process that blends new with estab­lished proce­dures that have been tried, test­ed and proven over decades.

Depth as a Trademark

Exec­u­tive Search, the search for top exec­u­tives and managers, requires profound engage­ment with the people and circum­stances involved. At Valdivia, howev­er, this is only the start­ing point. In addi­tion to a passion for what we do, we offer special­i­sa­tion in the real estate sector and excel­lent market knowl­edge. We have compre­hen­sive command of all facets of the real estate industry’s profes­sion­al­ism. We speak the language of our clients and the compa­nies and proceed with scien­tif­ic dili­gence. In this way, we achieve a compre­hen­sive under­stand­ing of the require­ments and oppor­tu­ni­ties on both sides — yield­ing sustain­able results.

Trav­el Guide in a High­ly Specialised Process 

A special feature at Valdivia are the four mile­stones of our search and selec­tion process, which stretch from the initial phase through the selec­tion phase all the way to success­ful inte­gra­tion. Today’s arti­cle is the kick-off to the follow­ing issues of “Valdivia inter­nal”, a new series in which we will focus and elob­o­rate on each of the four mile­stones of our Exec­u­tive Search process:

  1. First Contact
  2. Job Spec­i­fi­ca­tion
  3. Bring­ing Candi­date & Client Together
  4. Conclu­sion

This is how, in a sophis­ti­cat­ed, controlled process, we guide all parties involved step by step towards the common goal we share — a fruit­ful profes­sion­al cooperation.

This process also includes dili­gent process docu­men­ta­tion, which means that the project status is trans­par­ent and visi­ble for our client at any time. For this purpose, the client receives person­al access to our client portal, a “real-time CRM system”. In addi­tion, Valdivia creates indi­vid­ual, detailed week­ly progress reports. Togeth­er with the client, we define frequen­cy and content of this report right at the outset of the search process. This can be adapt­ed at any time in the course of the project, depend­ing on the client’s respec­tive needs and project status.

It is this combi­na­tion of expe­ri­ence, commit­ment, exper­tise, and control that puts us in a posi­tion to offer corpo­rate clients and customers a service that meets the high­est standards.

1 “Trends in Exec­u­tive Search look­ing at 2021 and beyond”, 01/2021, iesf.com