• Future

Christmal Parcel Campaign
Giving Joy to Children:
We are involved.
Want to join in?

  • Future

Joyful­ly beam­ing chil­dren are rare in some regions of East­ern Europe, even at Christ­mas. Every year, our part­ners from Stiftung Kinderzukun­ft there­fore launch the Christ­mas parcel drive. This year again, we want to active­ly support this: with our own contri­bu­tions — and with the invi­ta­tion to you to join in as well!

Christ­mas parcel campaign: What is it about?

Espe­cial­ly in Ukraine, but also in Roma­nia and Bosnia-Herze­gov­ina, many fami­lies lack the most basic neces­si­ties. Christ­mas presents for chil­dren are the absolute excep­tion there. For years, the foun­da­tion has there­fore been distrib­ut­ing Christ­mas parcels to chil­dren in slums, orphan­ages, clin­ics, schools, kinder­gartens and homes for the disabled. The pack­ages are collect­ed at collec­tion points through­out Germany until Friday, Novem­ber 25, 2023. After that, the foun­da­tion will take them in trucks to Bosnia-Herze­gov­ina, Roma­nia and, as far as possi­ble, Ukraine.

Partic­i­pate: Many togeth­er can make a big Difference!

Many thou­sands of support­ers are already taking part in the campaign — indi­vid­u­als and fami­lies as well as kinder­gartens, school class­es, commu­ni­ties, asso­ci­a­tions and compa­nies. Are you involved? Then you have sever­al options:

  • Pack one or more parcels — for exam­ple with sweets and pastries, toys, cloth­ing, hygiene items or writ­ing, paint­ing and craft­ing uten­sils for chil­dren and young people, ideal­ly also in pret­ty Christ­mas or wrap­ping paper and hand them in at a collec­tion point by Friday, 24.11.2023.
  • Help by spread­ing the word about the campaign.
  • You can also call on your compa­ny, fami­ly or friends to join in, or share the Foundation’s campaign info on Face­book, LinkedIn or Insta­gram. The Foun­da­tion is also look­ing for drivers, and volun­teer helpers to accom­pa­ny the drivers, to pick up the parcels from pack­age collec­tion points during 11/27–12/15/23.You can sign up by 10/23–2023 via simply complet­ing a form on www.kinderzukunft.de/wie-wir-helfen/weihnachtspaeckchen-aktion.html.Here you will find a list of collec­tion points for your parcels as well as adver­tis­ing mate­r­i­al and further information..

Good for image and aware­ness: Regis­ter as a Collec­tion point

Compa­nies, public author­i­ties and social insti­tu­tions can regis­ter as collec­tion points for the coming year. They will then draw atten­tion to the campaign from Octo­ber onwards with posters, flyers, social media and press contri­bu­tions, thus also strength­en­ing a posi­tive, social image

It’s never too late to help Children

You can’t decide yet or don’t have time right now? Of course, you can also support the exten­sive logis­tics that the foun­da­tion has set up for the Christ­mas parcel campaign by making a mone­tary dona­tion at any time:

Stiftung Kinderzukun­ft — Christ­mas Parcel Campaign

Dona­tion account: Commerzbank Hanau
IBAN: DE79 5064 0015 0222 2222 00

Please note “Valdivia Zukun­ft — Aktion Weih­nacht­späckchen” in the refer­ence line for the payment.

Gener­al contact details

Rabenaus­trasse 1a, D‑63584 Gründau
Hans-Georg Bayer
Manag­ing Director
Phone: +49 60 51 48 18 14
Fax: +49 60 51 48 18 10
E‑mail: hans-georg.bayer@kinderzukunft.de
Web: www.kinderzukunft.de


(Image source: Stiftung Kinderzukunft)