Executive Search & Consulting

for the Real Estate, Construction & Finance industry

Pioneering. Executive Search.
Real Estate. Valdivia.

About us

Are you looking for fresh impetus for your company or new perspectives in your career? We support you with experience and passion. Executive Search, the placement of top executives and decision makers - individually or as a team - is our specialised field of business. We analyse, advise and match requirements and skills, personalities and career opportunities.

Valdivia stands for depth and competence. We know the construction and real estate industry in detail due to our many years of experience. This means that we can offer you all the expertise you need to fill demanding positions in a complex and ever-evolving environment.

Excellence meets Experience.
Our Approach.


We offer comprehensive expertise for all property sectors. Those who develop, build, manage or finance real estate require a special understanding and unique skill set - especially at the senior end of the market. We have chosen our specialisation deliberately and possess many years of experience. We create trust because we speak the language of our clients and our international network, which has grown over decades, extends to all real estate sectors and industries.


Your Search is Beginning

Do you wish to fill a vacant executive position or expand your managerial team? In a first step, we will conduct an initial informal conversation with you. Based on the results, we will then prepare a draft contract to be finalised with you. Once these formal preparations have been concluded, we will kick off the search and placement process with full force.

Defining the Goal

In a second step, we will compile a precise and comprehensive description of your requirements or the vacant position, Our experience in searching for the best suited individuals will be advantageous to you. Given your consent, we will then start our research. All through this process, the agreed-upon job description will serve as the solid basis of our search.

Extensive Research

Valdivia's research is gathering momentum: In close consultation with you, we will identify candidates who are currently holding a similar position with one of your competitors. Moreover, we will put forth suitable candidate proposals from our extensive, carefully curated database as well as from our proven, readily available and robust network. We will present to you the fullcandidate list in the form of a detailed search table, discuss open questions, and request your approval.

Reaching out with Discretion

At this stage, discretion is key. As a matter of principle, we will always proceed with greatest sensitivity when approaching you as a candidate while you are employed. In the course of the process, we will approach members of our profound network and those candidates our client expressly wishes to contact. In addition, we will consider contacts and applications from within the enterprise, our candidates' recommendations, as well as speculative applications as they reach us directly and through our references.

Getting to Know Each Other – with Depth

This stage revolves around the elaborate interview. We will invite all candidates our client considers suitable. Professional and personal suitability, but also further factors, such as the willingness to relocate, will be examined now. Along with interviewing, we will review all documents provided by the candidates as well as check independent information. The interviews and screening of the documents are taken into consideration in a detailed assessment, which we consolidate in a comprehensive and informative candidate profile.

The Choice is Yours

At this stage, we present the detailed profiles of the individuals to you that are best suited– the fitting matches for your candidate profile. Each profile possesses the key qualifications, track record, personal characteristics and wishes as well as the essential credentials and documents. Additionally, we will answer all further questions you may have about the applicants. After that, you choose the person and the sequence of the initial interviews, respectively.

Decisive Moments

You will conduct a first personal interview with each candidate you consider suitable – by video call, if you wish. In many cases, more interviews will follow, involving, for instance, your wider leadership team or representatives of the department in question. Typically, this is the part of the process when the decision will be made as to who best fits your requirements and wishes. Valdivia will take care of all the interview arrangements on your behalf and also conduct candidate briefing prior to the interviews with you.

Well-prepared for the Initial Interview

Should your profile meet with our client's interest, Valdivia will see to the preparations and coordination of your initial interview with your prospective employer on your behalf. This includes briefing you with all relevant information and specific background informationon the company and on the person who will take part in the interview.

Service on the Finish Line

Once you have made a decision in favour of one of the candidates, if requested, we will obtain references and offer you our assistance with regard to the offer and contract conditions. Likewise, you may wish to make use of our consultancy services during final negotiations. We will also support your preferred candidate with terminating their previous employment, thus ensuring a smooth, successful start in your company.

A Serviced Start

As a candidate, you will also have access to our consulting and supporting services during this period – especially when it comes to terminating your current employment contract as well as to any obstacles during the transition period. This way, you can rest assured that the start to your new position will be an untroubled and successful one.

We will Stay in Touch

After the employment contract has been signed successfully, we will stay connected with both parties – with our clients as much as with the successful candidate. Be it support with the moving transition, with on-boarding, or with the notice period – we will be happy to be available for you as a long-term partner.

Our Promise.


Executive Search is a task of the highest responsibility. We meet this obligation with care and passion.

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We give everything, as if we were part of your company.

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We are trustworthy, open and authentic.

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We are professionally at home in all real estate sectors.

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We have a proven track record.

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We are highly disciplined and always want the best for company and candidate alike.

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We always aim at sustainable, long-term fruitful solution for both sides.

Motivation & Experience.


A harmonious team with a wide range of expertise and experience – this is what is behind the Valdivia idea. Together we epitomise profound insights into the real estate business and many years of continuous successful placements of candidates with our clients. It is with a lot of passion that we work to bring together our business goals with our individual life plans and dreams. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Daniel Bauer

Managing Partner

“Real Estate is elemen­tary for people, soci­ety and indus­try and shapes our living space in a truly unique way. The real estate indus­try both inspires and fasci­nates people — we have dedi­cat­ed ourselves to it with passion.”

Daniel M. Bauer is Manag­ing Part­ner at Valdivia Consult­ing GmbH in Frank­furt am Main.

After sever­al years in the broad­er real estate indus­try, Daniel entered the consult­ing market in 2006. He was instru­men­tal in the creation and devel­op­ment of the current market lead­ing compa­ny in specialised person­nel consult­ing for the real estate indus­try in Germany, before accept­ing the part­ner­ship at Valdivia.

For more than a decade, Daniel Bauer has been specialised in Exec­u­tive Search, work­ing on behalf of nation­al and inter­na­tion­al compa­nies (Corpo­rates as well as medi­um and small compa­nies). Daniel has been part of more than five hundred search mandates cover­ing lead­ing posi­tions, i.e. posi­tions on C‑level, MDs, Part­ners, Branch and Depart­ment Heads, Direc­tors as well as specialised experts.

Daniel culti­vates deep, success­ful, long-term rela­tion­ships with clients and his exten­sive network now extends from London to the entire German-speak­ing region.

Daniel Bauer grad­u­at­ed from the Depart­ment of Struc­tur­al Engi­neer­ing at the High­er Tech­ni­cal College, Wiener Neustadt in Austria. He then spent sever­al years abroad in both London and the USA and speaks fluent English and native German. Today he lives with his fami­ly in Greater Frankfurt.

Anthony Baumruk


“Exec­u­tive search is multi-faceted and, at Valdivia, meets true passion for real estate. The abil­i­ty to truly read leader person­al­i­ties, coupled with in-depth indus­try knowl­edge — these repre­sent the pillars of compe­tent consulting.”

Antho­ny Baum­ruk is Part­ner at Valdivia Consult­ing GmbH in Frank­furt am Main.

At the begin­ning of his profes­sion­al career, Mr. Baum­ruk worked for sever­al years for inter­na­tion­al finan­cial insti­tu­tions in Corpo­rate Finance in New York. From 2010 onwards, he turned to consult­ing and, during the follow­ing 10 years, built up the finance divi­sion in Germany for what is now a lead­ing recruit­ment firm in the Real Estate indus­try. Here he was just as success­ful in his manage­ment posi­tion as with numer­ous Exec­u­tive Search mandates. He has been with Valdivia since its foun­da­tion and is now respon­si­ble for the Finance division.

As an expert in the Real Estate finance sector, Mr. Baum­ruk supports nation­al and inter­na­tion­al compa­nies in fill­ing exec­u­tive posi­tions. His clients include large corpo­ra­tions as well as medi­um-sized and small compa­nies. In total, he has played a key role in more than 300 search­es for CFOs, COOs, branch and depart­ment heads, finance direc­tors and simi­lar posi­tions. His active network with­in the Finance and Real Estate indus­try spans the whole of Germany. His clients partic­u­lar­ly appre­ci­ate his track record and clos­ing reliability.

Antho­ny Baum­ruk grad­u­at­ed from the Amer­i­can Univer­si­ty in Wash­ing­ton D.C. with a Bach­e­lor of Arts degree in Polit­i­cal Science. His native languages are German and English. Today, he lives with his fami­ly in the Rhine-Main area.

He is an active member of the Urban Land Insti­tute (ULI Germany).

Jessica Böser


Early on in her career, Ms Böser’s path led her to Exec­u­tive Search. Even during her stud­ies, she gath­ered rele­vant expe­ri­ence in renowned busi­ness consul­tan­cies and exec­u­tive search organ­i­sa­tions. Later on, she was involved in numer­ous nation­al and inter­na­tion­al finance and real estate projects. Here at Valdivia, she collab­o­rates with  our part­ners in ambi­tious projects in finance, real estate and construc­tion. She supports the place­ment of exec­u­tives in nation­al and inter­na­tion­al corpo­ra­tions as well as in SMEs.

Ms Böser puts strong empha­sis on dili­gence, profes­sion­al­ism and effi­cien­cy. Her open and empa­thet­ic person­al­i­ty shows in the engag­ing way she deals with our high-rank­ing clients. She already has signif­i­cant expe­ri­ence in our field of activ­i­ty and excel­lent intu­ition for consult­ing our clients and candi­dates in top exec­u­tive positions.

Ms Böser stud­ied Econom­ics at Goethe Univer­si­ty in Frankfurt/Main, major­ing in Finance and Account­ing and grad­u­at­ing with a Bach­e­lor of Science degree. Ms Böser also holds a degree in Real Estate Econom­ics (Immo­bilienökonomie) from the IREBS Real Estate Academy.

In the course of her stud­ies, she spent an inter­na­tion­al semes­ter at UE Wrøcław Univer­si­ty of Econom­ics and Busi­ness. Apart from her native language German, she is fluent in English and Span­ish. Today, she lives in the city of Frankfurt.

Marcel Wander

Research Analyst

As a student of applied psychol­o­gy, Mr Wander was already able to gain expe­ri­ence in research and manage­ment consult­ing. At Valdivia, he supports us in engage­ment manage­ment and as a research analyst for all areas of our exec­u­tive search — i.e. the prop­er­ty indus­try, the construc­tion indus­try and the finan­cial sector. He moni­tors devel­op­ments in these sectors across the board and iden­ti­fies rele­vant and promis­ing trends and market movements.

His prudence and instinct for rele­vant infor­ma­tion help him to iden­ti­fy promis­ing indus­try topics and poten­tial candi­dates for us. He combines dili­gence and analyt­i­cal skills with a friend­ly, open approach both with­in the team and with exter­nal contacts. In addi­tion to his native German, he is fluent in English, French and Russ­ian. Mr Wander lives in the city of Frank­furt am Main.

Maren Fleck

Senior Executive Assistant

Since its estab­lishe­ment, Maren Fleck has been in charge of all admin­is­tra­tive matters at Valdivia Consult­ing GmbH. These include Market­ing, HR, IT, gener­al support and advanced project assis­tance, which makes hers a key posi­tion with­in the enter­prise, rang­ing from Exec­u­tive Search jobs to over­all back-office responsibility.

Her career so far includes not only work stays in Great Britain but also posi­tions in the field of Person­al and Team Assis­tance as well as Exec­u­tive Assis­tant in consult­ing, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal whole­sale and the hotel busi­ness. She possess­es broad knowl­edge, excel­lent commu­ni­ca­tion skills, many years of expe­ri­ence in real estate-specif­ic HR consul­tan­cy as well as a deeply-root­ed passion for the construc­tion and real estate business.

Ms Fleck is a certi­fied trans­la­tor and inter­preter for Legal English with a degree from IFA Erlan­gen   (IFA Insi­tut für Fremd­sprachen und Ausland­skunde (Insti­tute for Foreign Languages)). As a native speak­er of German, she is also fluent in English and French. She and her fami­ly live in the Frankfurt/Main area.

Anna Caroline Heinrich

Executive Assistant

Ms Hein­rich stud­ied in Munich, where she earned her diplo­ma in Jour­nal­ism and Media Commu­ni­ca­tion. After that, she followed a call abroad where she then spent a major part of her life. She expe­ri­enced inter­na­tion­al life in London, Singa­pore and Zurich, where she worked as an assis­tant and office manag­er for renowned enter­pris­es in differ­ent indus­tries, such as consult­ing, luxu­ry goods, educa­tion, and tourism.

She is excel­lent at making contact with people and show­ing sincere inter­est in their needs and wish­es. This is exact­ly why she is such an outstand­ing repre­sen­ta­tive of the service ideals of Valdivia and serves as an impor­tant touch point for our clients, our candi­dates, and our team. Ms Hein­rich commu­ni­cates in German and English, both in speak­ing and in writ­ing. Togeth­er with her fami­ly, she lives in Bad Homburg.

Daniel Bauer

Managing Partner
“Real Estate is elemen­tary for people, soci­ety and indus­try and shapes our living space in a truly unique way. The real estate indus­try both inspires and fasci­nates people — we have dedi­cat­ed ourselves to it with passion.”

Daniel Bauer

Managing Partner

Daniel M. Bauer is Manag­ing Part­ner at Valdivia Consult­ing GmbH in Frank­furt am Main.

After sever­al years in the broad­er real estate indus­try, Daniel entered the consult­ing market in 2006. He was instru­men­tal in the creation and devel­op­ment of the current market lead­ing compa­ny in specialised person­nel consult­ing for the real estate indus­try in Germany, before accept­ing the part­ner­ship at Valdivia.

For more than a decade, Daniel Bauer has been specialised in Exec­u­tive Search, work­ing on behalf of nation­al and inter­na­tion­al compa­nies (Corpo­rates as well as medi­um and small compa­nies). Daniel has been part of more than five hundred search mandates cover­ing lead­ing posi­tions, i.e. posi­tions on C‑level, MDs, Part­ners, Branch and Depart­ment Heads, Direc­tors as well as specialised experts.

Daniel culti­vates deep, success­ful, long-term rela­tion­ships with clients and his exten­sive network now extends from London to the entire German-speak­ing region.

Daniel Bauer grad­u­at­ed from the Depart­ment of Struc­tur­al Engi­neer­ing at the High­er Tech­ni­cal College, Wiener Neustadt in Austria. He then spent sever­al years abroad in both London and the USA and speaks fluent English and native German. Today he lives with his fami­ly in Greater Frankfurt.

Anthony Baumruk

“Exec­u­tive search is multi-faceted and, at Valdivia, meets true passion for real estate. The abil­i­ty to truly read leader person­al­i­ties, coupled with in-depth indus­try knowl­edge — these repre­sent the pillars of compe­tent consulting.”

Anthony Baumruk


Antho­ny Baum­ruk is Part­ner at Valdivia Consult­ing GmbH in Frank­furt am Main.

At the begin­ning of his profes­sion­al career, Mr. Baum­ruk worked for sever­al years for inter­na­tion­al finan­cial insti­tu­tions in Corpo­rate Finance in New York. From 2010 onwards, he turned to consult­ing and, during the follow­ing 10 years, built up the finance divi­sion in Germany for what is now a lead­ing recruit­ment firm in the Real Estate indus­try. Here he was just as success­ful in his manage­ment posi­tion as with numer­ous Exec­u­tive Search mandates. He has been with Valdivia since its foun­da­tion and is now respon­si­ble for the Finance division.

As an expert in the Real Estate finance sector, Mr. Baum­ruk supports nation­al and inter­na­tion­al compa­nies in fill­ing exec­u­tive posi­tions. His clients include large corpo­ra­tions as well as medi­um-sized and small compa­nies. In total, he has played a key role in more than 300 search­es for CFOs, COOs, branch and depart­ment heads, finance direc­tors and simi­lar posi­tions. His active network with­in the Finance and Real Estate indus­try spans the whole of Germany. His clients partic­u­lar­ly appre­ci­ate his track record and clos­ing reliability.

Antho­ny Baum­ruk grad­u­at­ed from the Amer­i­can Univer­si­ty in Wash­ing­ton D.C. with a Bach­e­lor of Arts degree in Polit­i­cal Science. His native languages are German and English. Today, he lives with his fami­ly in the Rhine-Main area.

He is an active member of the Urban Land Insti­tute (ULI Germany).

Jessica Böser


Jessica Böser


Early on in her career, Ms Böser’s path led her to Exec­u­tive Search. Even during her stud­ies, she gath­ered rele­vant expe­ri­ence in renowned busi­ness consul­tan­cies and exec­u­tive search organ­i­sa­tions. Later on, she was involved in numer­ous nation­al and inter­na­tion­al finance and real estate projects. Here at Valdivia, she collab­o­rates with  our part­ners in ambi­tious projects in finance, real estate and construc­tion. She supports the place­ment of exec­u­tives in nation­al and inter­na­tion­al corpo­ra­tions as well as in SMEs.

Ms Böser puts strong empha­sis on dili­gence, profes­sion­al­ism and effi­cien­cy. Her open and empa­thet­ic person­al­i­ty shows in the engag­ing way she deals with our high-rank­ing clients. She already has signif­i­cant expe­ri­ence in our field of activ­i­ty and excel­lent intu­ition for consult­ing our clients and candi­dates in top exec­u­tive positions.

Ms Böser stud­ied Econom­ics at Goethe Univer­si­ty in Frankfurt/Main, major­ing in Finance and Account­ing and grad­u­at­ing with a Bach­e­lor of Science degree. Ms Böser also holds a degree in Real Estate Econom­ics (Immo­bilienökonomie) from the IREBS Real Estate Academy.

In the course of her stud­ies, she spent an inter­na­tion­al semes­ter at UE Wrøcław Univer­si­ty of Econom­ics and Busi­ness. Apart from her native language German, she is fluent in English and Span­ish. Today, she lives in the city of Frankfurt.

Marcel Wander

Research Analyst

Marcel Wander

Research Analyst

As a student of applied psychol­o­gy, Mr Wander was already able to gain expe­ri­ence in research and manage­ment consult­ing. At Valdivia, he supports us in engage­ment manage­ment and as a research analyst for all areas of our exec­u­tive search — i.e. the prop­er­ty indus­try, the construc­tion indus­try and the finan­cial sector. He moni­tors devel­op­ments in these sectors across the board and iden­ti­fies rele­vant and promis­ing trends and market movements.

His prudence and instinct for rele­vant infor­ma­tion help him to iden­ti­fy promis­ing indus­try topics and poten­tial candi­dates for us. He combines dili­gence and analyt­i­cal skills with a friend­ly, open approach both with­in the team and with exter­nal contacts. In addi­tion to his native German, he is fluent in English, French and Russ­ian. Mr Wander lives in the city of Frank­furt am Main.

Maren Fleck

Senior Executive Assistant

Maren Fleck

Senior Executive Assistant

Since its estab­lishe­ment, Maren Fleck has been in charge of all admin­is­tra­tive matters at Valdivia Consult­ing GmbH. These include Market­ing, HR, IT, gener­al support and advanced project assis­tance, which makes hers a key posi­tion with­in the enter­prise, rang­ing from Exec­u­tive Search jobs to over­all back-office responsibility.

Her career so far includes not only work stays in Great Britain but also posi­tions in the field of Person­al and Team Assis­tance as well as Exec­u­tive Assis­tant in consult­ing, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal whole­sale and the hotel busi­ness. She possess­es broad knowl­edge, excel­lent commu­ni­ca­tion skills, many years of expe­ri­ence in real estate-specif­ic HR consul­tan­cy as well as a deeply-root­ed passion for the construc­tion and real estate business.

Ms Fleck is a certi­fied trans­la­tor and inter­preter for Legal English with a degree from IFA Erlan­gen   (IFA Insi­tut für Fremd­sprachen und Ausland­skunde (Insti­tute for Foreign Languages)). As a native speak­er of German, she is also fluent in English and French. She and her fami­ly live in the Frankfurt/Main area.

Anna Caroline Heinrich

Executive Assistant

Anna Caroline Heinrich

Executive Assistant

Ms Hein­rich stud­ied in Munich, where she earned her diplo­ma in Jour­nal­ism and Media Commu­ni­ca­tion. After that, she followed a call abroad where she then spent a major part of her life. She expe­ri­enced inter­na­tion­al life in London, Singa­pore and Zurich, where she worked as an assis­tant and office manag­er for renowned enter­pris­es in differ­ent indus­tries, such as consult­ing, luxu­ry goods, educa­tion, and tourism.

She is excel­lent at making contact with people and show­ing sincere inter­est in their needs and wish­es. This is exact­ly why she is such an outstand­ing repre­sen­ta­tive of the service ideals of Valdivia and serves as an impor­tant touch point for our clients, our candi­dates, and our team. Ms Hein­rich commu­ni­cates in German and English, both in speak­ing and in writ­ing. Togeth­er with her fami­ly, she lives in Bad Homburg.

Meeting our clients’ expectations.


Mutual trust is the prerequisite for all our actions. Only where we succeed in creating trust between all those involved can we achieve the kind of productive, respectful connection that is the aim of our work. And we are grateful to see this confirmed by our clients. Please find below a selection of client references:

"The cooperation with the Valdivia team around Mr. Bauer was on a high level from the very beginning and characterised by great trust and transparency. In particular, the selection as well as the entire process were characterised by exceptional quality and professionalism. Ultimately, with the help of Valdivia, we were able to fill our vacancy with the right executive in the best possible way. "
Alexander MöllSenior Managing Director Hines Immobilien GmbH
"Valdivia profoundly analysed the market for executives with a technical background for us and identified a selection of very suitable candidates for the position of "Technical Director" in our real estate team. The professional support provided by Mr. Bauer and his team, the understanding of the strategic importance of the position as well as the deep experience with leadership positions in holistic project development were decisive factors for the successful filling of the key position in our internationally operating company."
Bernd HaggenmüllerSenior Managing Director - Real EstateARDIAN Germany GmbH
"Quality awareness, accurate implementation and flexibility - with Anthony Baumruk at Valdivia, we clearly have the right partner at our side. Corresponding to our needs, Valdivia supports and advises us in a professional and highly transparent manner. We are very satisfied indeed with our cooperation.”
Nicky Georg KisitzkyManaging Director / CFOVALUES. Real Estate Holding GmbH
"I specifically appointed Mr. Baumruk as we place our trust in him. He conducted an in-depth analysis of the market for us, provided immensely valuable strategic recommendations and helped us significantly in expanding the Real Estate Private Debt division. We are very pleased with the result so far."
Andreas KaluscheCEO - Member of the Board of DirectorsPrime Capital AG
"In Mr Baumruk, we have a partner for filling our specialist and management positions in the area of Commercial Real Estate Financing who, with his many years of experience, his extensive network and his knowledge of our co-operative corporate culture, always offers custom-fit solutions."
Dr. Phil ZundelDirektor - Leiter StabMünchener Hypothekenbank eG
"After Valdivia having identified various, very good candidates, the project was subsequently closed both successfully and quickly. Mr Bauer has an outstanding network and a comparatively high level of empathy and understanding for the client's requirements."
Manuel DeVigiliManaging PartnerLUWIN Real Estate
After a thorough analysis of our needs and the market, Mr Bauer and his team presented promising candidates for the position of Head of German Asset Management within a short period of time. As a result, a highly suitable executive was found. The entire process was extremely smooth and very professional.
Rolf MensingManaging Director I Head of Germany CLS Germany GmbH
"Valdivia stands for first-class performance. Our special thanks go to Daniel Bauer for his highly competent, efficient and discreet advice in the search process for our Managing Director. Mr. Bauer also gave the impetus for the team move to set up our complete, powerful team for our market entry in Germany."
Claudius WesterhausManaging PartnerSilvertip Capital Ltd.
"Through Valdivia we were able to successfully find a CEO for our new product line. Our search process with Valdivia was very targeted and transparent. The candidates presented all had a high suitability for the function we were looking for. We did not have to make any compromises in the selection process and were able to fill the position competently."

Moritz KränklManaging DirectorInvesta Holding GmbH
“We had a very positive experience working with Mr Bauer at Valdivia. His network and the depth of the relationships he has developed at senior levels of the German real estate industry are impressive. The thoughtful, personalised and flexible way in which he approached the search process we worked on with him were also key in helping us achieve our hiring objective.”
Jonathan L. PerlPartnerARAX PROPERTIES
"Valdivia demonstrated professional skill and dedication in identifying and securing top-tier talent for our team, successfully recruiting for our German operations. Her keen eye for potential and deep understanding of our business needs were instrumental in finding the perfect match."
Amaury GarielManaging Director, Europe & UKScannell Properties

Act today, today for tomorrow
- for a future.


To us, sustain­able plan­ning and action is a core element of exec­u­tive search. Be it a compa­ny or candi­date who places trusts in us – they are all look­ing for a connec­tion to the future. So what could be more obvi­ous to us than to promote sustain­abil­i­ty in other areas as well?

Worthwhile topics for further reading: Expert knowledge & background.


In our blog, we talk about real estate market­ing, employ­er brand­ing, our special approach — and the topic that is espe­cial­ly at our heart: a sustain­able future for our chil­dren and our world. We wish you an wonder­ful read­ing experience!

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Taunusanlage 9-10
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Would you like to get in touch with us? Simply use the form below. We look forward to your enquiry and will get back to you as soon as possible!


    Our office is centrally located in the city in Frankfurt in the vicinity of Alte Oper at Taunusanlage.

    Directions by public transport:

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      S-Bahn lines S1 to S9 to Taunusanlage
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      Underground lines U6 and U7 to Alte Oper
      Underground lines U1 to U8 to Hauptwache