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Our Crew is Growing:
Welcome, Jessica Böser!

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On 1st Octo­ber 2021, Jessi­ca Böser start­ed with Valdivia to support our team in her role as Asso­ciate. Previ­ous­ly, the Econom­ics grad­u­ate gained valu­able expe­ri­ence in renowned exec­u­tive search consul­tan­cies, where she was involved in numer­ous projects in the areas of finance and real estate nation­al­ly and inten­ra­tional­ly. We are now look­ing forward to her compe­tent support in fill­ing chal­leng­ing manage­ment positions.

Read on here about her profes­sion­al background:

Jessi­ca Böser is Asso­ciate at Valdivia Consult­ing GmbH in Frank­furt am Main.

At an early stage, right at the onset of her profes­sion­al career, Jessi­ca chose the path into Exec­u­tive Search and was involved in numer­ous projects in the areas of finance and real estate. Prior to that, she gained valu­able expe­ri­ences in Manage­ment and Exec­u­tive Search consul­tan­cies during her studies.

Her profes­sion­al and approach­able manner in deal­ing with high-level clients reflect her open and empath­ic person­al­i­ty. Ms. Böser is high­ly thor­ough and goal-orient­ed in her work and has exten­sive expe­ri­ence in this segment, which allows her the neces­sary vision to advise clients and candi­dates at the high­est level.

In her posi­tion at Valdivia today, she works togeth­er with the part­ners on chal­leng­ing projects in the areas of finance, real estate and construc­tion, support­ing nation­al and inter­na­tion­al compa­nies in fill­ing exec­u­tive posi­tions. Her clients range from large corpo­ra­tions as well as medi­um-sized and small companies.

Jessi­ca complet­ed her stud­ies in Econom­ics with a focus on Finance and Account­ing at Goethe Univer­si­ty in Frank­furt, includ­ing a term abroad at the UE Wroclaw Univer­si­ty of Econom­ics and Busi­ness, and qual­i­fied with a degree as Bach­e­lor of Science. In addi­tion to her native German, she speaks both English and Span­ish fluently.