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Executive Search with Expertise & Technical Know-How -
Congratulations to our IREBS Graduate!

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We would like to congrat­u­late our colleague Jessi­ca Böser on her recent grad­u­a­tion as a Real Estate Economist!

Real estate econom­ics is a demand­ing degree programme. In three semes­ters, students learn about the entire scope of the prop­er­ty indus­try — from the econom­ic and legal funda­men­tals to detailed ques­tions about the differ­ent types of prop­er­ty. Topics such as project devel­op­ment, financ­ing and prop­er­ty valu­a­tion are also included.

For our colleague, this was a truly inten­sive year and a half, and we admire the ener­gy and commit­ment with which she has mastered this chal­lenge. After all, the programme is part-time and runs side-by-side to the job. This meant that Mrs Böser was still involved in day-to-day busi­ness during this time — just as we were happy to support her in every possi­ble way.

Jessi­ca Böser has been a member of the Valdivia crew since Octo­ber 2021. From the very begin­ning, she has been involved in exec­u­tive search projects for compa­nies of all sizes. Through her stud­ies, she has now been able to go into depth — in keep­ing with the Valdivia motto — and system­at­i­cal­ly expand her good special­ist knowl­edge and feel  for all areas of the construc­tion and prop­er­ty industry.

(Image source: Valdivia Consult­ing GmbH)