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Valdivia at Marienturm:
New Home Port with an Illustrious Name

  • Internal

Our Valdivia has been grow­ing for a good three years now. Today we are pleased to announce further good news: with the Mari­en­turm we have found a new anchor­age in Frank­furt that leaves noth­ing to be desired as a home harbour for our crew. From now on you will find us at this address:

Valdivia Consult­ing GmbH
Taunu­san­lage 9–10
60329 Frank­furt am Main


Our new anchor­age — the Marienturm

The first plans for the site were drawn up back in 2004. The devel­op­ers gave it the sonorous name “Marienin­sel” (St Mary’s Island), as the area is halfway enclosed by Marien­straße; the name is presum­ably derived from a histor­i­cal district. A high-rise build­ing of 250 metres was to be built there — outstand­ing even by Frank­furt standards.

It took over ten years before the tower was final­ly built: from 2015 to 2019. At 155 metres for the time being, the design was also much more modest. The high-rise only exceeds the offi­cial “skyscraper” limit by five metres. But this will soon change. The city’s latest skyscraper plan envis­ages an increase in height: 210 metres are planned. In any case, the Valdivia crew is already look­ing forward to the new anchor­age — and to welcom­ing our visi­tors to the Marienturm!

(Image source: Conto­ra Office Solutions)