• Internal

Executive Search with Depth — Part II
Creating Trust through Unconditional Transparency

  • Internal

How do we work at Valdivia? What are our special char­ac­ter­is­tics? And how do we ensure the high qual­i­ty in process­es and results that we stand for? We would like to answer these and simi­lar ques­tions with our series “Valdivia inter­nal”. Recent­ly, we start­ed with a gener­al overview (Exec­u­tive Search with Depth Part I)  of the Valdivia place­ment process. This 2nd episode is now about the “logbook” of this process — and thus about the unusu­al degree of trans­paren­cy we assure our clients*.

The Valdivia Project Reporting

Compa­nies are look­ing for new lead­ers. Managers are look­ing for new chal­lenges. As inter­me­di­aries, we ensure that both sides feel that their inter­ests are being protect­ed at all times. In addi­tion to match­ing services and gener­al condi­tions, we consid­er it our most impor­tant task to bring togeth­er harmo­nious person­al­i­ties. Find­ing suit­able candi­dates is not always easy, even for us. Some place­ment process­es take an unex­pect­ed turn, for exam­ple when a compa­ny decides at short notice to fill a vacan­cy inter­nal­ly or not at all.
Whether it is a delay or a sudden turn­around — with Valdivia you can trust us to act with uncon­di­tion­al trans­paren­cy in every situ­a­tion: With the struc­tured Valdivia project report­ing, we contin­u­ous­ly docu­ment how the search is devel­op­ing for you. Not only are the number and status of contacts list­ed. Factors such as reasons for rejec­tion, loca­tion aspects and other rele­vant vari­ables are also includ­ed. We explain all place­ment steps and analyse stum­bling blocks in partic­u­lar. For exam­ple, a compa­ny can thus recog­nise at an early stage whether a loca­tion disad­van­tage should be compen­sat­ed for by high­er remu­ner­a­tion or other extras.

A detailed outlook for the coming week rounds off the report. For you as a client, exec­u­tive search does not remain a black box, but you can expe­ri­ence how Valdivia stays on course week after week — online in the client portal or in a report that you receive as a PDF by email.

Progress and success become tangible

The week­ly report works on sever­al levels. The precise timing alone rein­forces the ongo­ing progress of the process — with consid­er­able success, by the way: on aver­age, it takes 72 days at Valdivia from the first contact to agree­ment and signature.At the same time, both clients and candi­dates see that their matters are in good hands with Valdivia. Trans­paren­cy at every step reduces uncer­tain­ties and strength­ens trust in the right path — and not only in the case of success: trans­paren­cy about the search process also helps to better under­stand rejec­tions or incom­pat­i­bil­i­ties. In this way, this knowl­edge can become the basis for a rethink and a new, more target­ed approach for all those involved.