A Future for Children — Kinderzukunft

Giving back to the future

Tropical trees background

Our mission at Valdivia is the future.

We promote careers and compa­nies. At the same time, we see our chil­dren grow­ing up and look­ing to the future. As early as 2021, we had the desire to give chil­dren a future who are grow­ing up under far less favourable condi­tions — such as the street chil­dren in Guatemala.

Valdivia is committed to children
in Guatemala

“The future of the world lies in the child. The moth­er should snug­gle the child
so that it knows that it is its world.
The father should carry the child to the high­est moun­tains
so that it can real­ly see its world.”

Mayan Proverb

of the indigenous people of Guatemala

Many fami­lies and espe­cial­ly single moth­ers find them­selves unable to feed all their chil­dren. Other reasons for this include the death of one or both parents. The chil­dren are left with­out any help, have to fight for their survival every day and are help­less­ly exposed to all forms of violence. They beg, steal, or look for food in garbage dumps. The idea of the children’s village “Aldea Infan­til” is to help these chil­dren, to offer them a happy child­hood and a decent life with prospects for the future.

The children’s future (“Kinderzukunft”) project
“Aldea Infantil”

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Since 1991, the Children’s Future Foun­da­tion has main­tained the children’s village “Aldea Infan­til” in the high­lands of Guatemala. Around 160 chil­dren and young people find protec­tion and secu­ri­ty here today; they can grow up in secu­ri­ty and peace. In fami­ly groups, loving­ly cared for by a house­moth­er, they receive a well-found­ed educa­tion and profes­sion­al train­ing in the foundation’s own school. There is a kinder­garten for the little ones and compre­hen­sive medical care for every­one. Only when they have complet­ed their train­ing and can lead an inde­pen­dent life as young adults does the care of the chil­dren in the children’s village end. Some even make it to univer­si­ty and are support­ed by the foun­da­tion along the way.

100 percent for the kids

When decid­ing on the fund­ing project, it was impor­tant for us to select a reputable spon­sor — not an easy task, as it turned out. Ulti­mate­ly, what impressed us most was the open­ness and trans­paren­cy of the Children’s Future Foun­da­tion. It was found­ed in 1988 by the well-known furni­ture manu­fac­tur­er Rudolf Walther and is based in Grün­dau near Hanau, so that a person­al exchange is possi­ble at any time. The foun­da­tion capi­tal is 5.7 million euros, the dona­tions reached almost 4.2 million euros in 2021. The prin­ci­ple is that 100 percent of every dona­tion goes to the chil­dren; Admin­is­tra­tive costs are covered exclu­sive­ly by income from the foundation’s assets and earmarked donations.

Helping together, sharing joy

At Valdivia, all of us — employ­ees and manage­ment — are involved in support­ing “Aldea Infan­til”. And all of us we were simply speech­less when the congrat­u­la­tions on our first Valdivia anniver­sary arrived at the begin­ning of 2022: The chil­dren of “our” house had paint­ed love­ly pictures for us and made a real cele­bra­tion of the anniver­sary — for them in Guatemala as well as for us in Frank­furt am Main!

We also invite our customers and contacts to join us and support the Children’s Future Foun­da­tion. There are many possibilities:

  • Mone­tary and in-kind donations
  • Endow­ments, trust foundations
  • Spon­sor­ships for chil­dren, a village or project
  • Inher­i­tances, spon­sor­ing, coop­er­a­tions etc.


The foun­da­tion main­tains children’s villages in Guatemala, Roma­nia, Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina and aid projects in Thai­land, Zambia and Jakar­ta. Regu­lar annu­al reports disclose the use of every single euro; those who are inter­est­ed have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to visit the children’s villages on site.

Gruppe www.kinderzukunft.de

Donate via link in QR Code*

Children’s Future Foundation

Vera Berding
Head of Marketing and PR

Rabenaus­traße 1a
D‑63584 Gründau

Commerzbank Hanau
IBAN: DE79 5064 0015 0222 2222 00

Donate via link in QR Code*

*Individual donation amounts can be selected.